Tuesday, February 28, 2017

International actor seeks connections at GI Film Festival 2017

Great insight from an international actor, about the GI Film Festival. #GIFF2017

About the GI Film Festival:


"I was recently and very kindly offered the opportunity to be a guest blogger for the Fulton Film Company. The topic - film festivals. As an international actor film festivals worldwide are very important to me personally.

The G.I. Film Festival (https://gifilmfestival.com/) in particular seems to occupy a much needed and, until now, poorly represented niche in the film industry.

The mission of the GI Film Festival is "to preserve the stories of the American GI and honor their service and sacrifices through the medium of film and TV". Aside from my personal, political opinion regarding the U.S. military and how it is used, the effort to preserve historical truths that truly honor the many heroic sacrifices that have occurred in the past IS very important and worthwhile.

I would like to add that along with the truth of said events being remembered it is equally important to NOT gloss over the other side of history.

Though I have never, until now, been involved in the G.I. Film Festival personally, I think it is safe to assume, based on the fact that so many of those involved are intimately acquainted with their respective stories and can offer a real insider perspective, that they have, through their now 11 year history, done an admirable job of representing and showcasing well-made, historically accurate, thought-provoking and evocative films that span the globe and relate worthwhile stories of courage, sacrifice and, hopefully, real patriotism.

GI Film Festival:

An actor's primary job is to be as truthful as possible regardless of what that uncovers. With that in mind, I would like nothing more than to be involved with filmmakers from the G.I. Film Festival who are, unlike me, veterans who have first-hand knowledge of some of the world's most recent and controversial events. I would happily welcome any opportunity to be made aware of all the facts possible in my personal, patriotic journey to become the best actor I can be."


Sincerely and respectfully,

J.G. Franklin
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

My name is George Ohan and I am an international filmmaker with connections to talent, crew, entertainment business professionals, film festivals, and more. I love to make connections, and in this case, my actor friend Mr. JG Franklin was expressing interest in meeting with more international filmmakers who are producing serious projects. I asked Mr. Franklin about his thoughts about the G.I. Film Festival and the above blog is what he wrote. As an actor, this is a very intelligent way to get involved with making filmmaker connections worldwide. Also, I love that the influence of the G.I. Film Festival has reached all the way out to Brazilian actors. Film is made to provooke thought, and I'm confident that #GIFF2017 will do just that. Sponsorship opportunities are open:


Very respectfully,

George Ohan


1904 Fresno Street
Fresno, California 93721

Photos are from "Wings Over Wendy's" event.

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