Thursday, November 10, 2016

Learn FILM in Fresno

FILMMAKER…. It can mean many different things. At the Fulton Film Company we can train you on the titles that you see below.

Entertainment business
Artist management
Music touring
Event management
Entertainment law

Entertainment marketing
Film Festival marketing
Independent film marketing
Public Relations

Line producer
Creative producer
Production manager
Production assistant
Script supervisor

Director of Photography
1st Assistant Director
Key Grip

Production designer
Art director
Set dresser
Set construction

Camera operator
Assistant camera operator

Audio mixer
Boom pole operator
Audio post-production

Assistant editor
Special effects editor
Digital image transferring

Which of those job titles look interesting to you?

Contact me at the Fulton Film Company and let’s get a blue print started for your success.

My name is George Ohan and I have experience working with many different types of independent filmmakers. The hardest part is “GETTING STARTED” according to the conversations that I’ve had with other indie film people. Below you will find a fun list of 10 things you can do to get more experience in something that genuinely interests you; FILMMAKING.

The list below can get someone started down a path of having a really cool hobby, or it can be the beginning of a fruitful career in the independent film industry. Right now, it is more realistic than ever to be a self-taught digital filmmaker, and jump directly into a creative career.

1.     Create a 1 year PLAN. Set a few goals that you want to accomplish; aim high!! 3 months; 1st camera test-shots //// 6 months; 1st short film completed //// 1 year; complete 4 digital filmmaking workshops //// look at a film school…

2.     Identify which “jobs” interest you the most. Focus on learning those skills 1st.

3.     What are your top 10 favorite films? Who was the “Director or other job” on that film? What was their path to Hollywood? Look into what they did to get to where they are. This gives you valuable insight.

4.     Get training. Start watching videos, read blogs, and find books that cover your chosen skill to learn. Invest time in yourself everyday for education.

5.     Find 1 other “film friend” that you can start spending more time with.

6.     Add value to other people’s projects. Volunteer on set. Go learn by doing.

7.     Produce a short video for a local non-profit. It’s practice for you. Give back.

8.     Schedule in your calendar to join the “Creative community” at least once per month for a local event. Stay in touch with the people doing things.

9.     Ask for help. Reach out to people that you want to work with. ASK.

10. Have fun. Writing this blog is FUN for me… If it weren’t fun, I wouldn’t do it.

If “entertainment business” starts to feel too stressful, then don’t do it anymore. This career path is very challenging and there is daily uncertainty. However, many people have fun doing this on the side, and others make a living doing it full time. Either way is ok.

Very respectfully,

George Ohan
Fulton Film Company
